Ten thiry Slot Interview


Ten Thirty Slot Interview March 24th `00 BACK

Dylan: From Tulsa, Oklahoman, you may have heard of them - Hanson!

 (Isaac and Taylor enter the room) 

 Dylan: Where is Zac? Where's the little one? 

 Taylor: He's coming his on his way 

 Isaac: One of our members is missing 

 Taylor: he's lost 

 Isaac: He's on the lavatory 

 Dylan: Is he really? He's supposed to be on here, he can't just go to the toilet now 

 Taylor: No, He just didn't want to come 

 Dylan: Fine  

 Taylor: We said, "hey, we're going to walk on the show" and he said "nah I'm not coming"  

 Dylan: Well that's ok, he's just little anyway 

 Taylor: He's bigger now so watch out 

 Dylan: I'm not afraid of any Zaccy, it's good to have you though. This is Taylor Hanson and Isaac Hanson. Firstly for those viewers who might not of heard much of you, could we quickly re-touch on your history, how did you meet? 

 Isaac: Ah we went 

 Taylor: It was a long, long time ago 

 Isaac: Yeah it was actually not voluntarily 

 Taylor: Oh look, there's the third member of our band 

 Isaac: He's lingering around, he's coming. 

 (Zac enters room) 

 Dylan: How are you? 

 Zac: I'm doing good 

 Dylan: Thanks very much for joining us, (laughs) could you give it up for Zac Hanson! 

 Taylor: So, like you were saying, how did we meet? 

 Dylan: How did you meet? 

 Taylor: Well we were born into the same family therefore we didn't really have a choice. 

 Zac: Well no, after the auditions we became very good friends, we signed a contract of silence but obviously right now, I'm coming out. 

 Dylan: Really? I was going to ask you about that. 

 Isaac: We're not really brothers. 

 Taylor: Yeah, it's all a scam. 

 Isaac: It's all a scam. 

 Dylan: And how did you come up with the name? 

 Taylor: Well somebody started screaming the name - 

 Zac: We were looking through the phone book really and… 

 Taylor: No somebody started screaming the word "Nosnah" and we were like "what's Nosnah backwards?" and it was Hanson So… not that I know what Nosnah means, I've still wondered to this day. And it said Hanson and we were like hey! 

 Isaac: It's kind of like if you play our song mmmbop backwards it says Pooomm 

 Dylan: It does not it says "Pobmmm" I've played it backwards actually, when I was looking for those kind of records. 


 Dylan: So you've come over from Tulsa? 

 Taylor: Tulsa Oklahoma, yes 

 Dylan: Specifically to tell us about the new record "This Time Around!" 

 Isaac: Mmmhmm absolutely. 

 Dylan: and here's the single off it, If Only 

 Taylor: If Only yeah 

 Dylan: Ok go! (laughs) 

 Isaac: Ah well the new record is coming out… 

 Zac: It's great, buy it! 

 Isaac: Don't we wish, no no 

 Taylor: The new record comes out April seventeenth, um you guys get it before the people in the states do, so you're very special. 

 Dylan: Cause we're special 

 Taylor: Um, you know what? I don't know why but you guys get it before anybody else. You guys are the first to, the record was released in… 

 Isaac: Yeah Australia is one of our biggest per capata markets - 

 Taylor: You guys are awesome! 

 Isaac: To be technica. I'm sorry, there's more people in comparison, in relation to the population more people own a Hanson record then anywhere else. 

 Dylan: What are you talking about? Your trying to trick me, your trying to make me look dumber then I am. 

 Zac: Ike, Ike. Didn't they tell you he never graduated from fifth grade? 

 Dylan: Did you say Ike? 

 Zac: That's what I call him. 

 Dylan: Ikesey! 

 Zac: No - 

 Isaac: Should we call you something? What should we call you then? 

 Dylan: "Dylan"? 

 Isaac: I wasn't sure -  

 Dylan: "Sir" if you want to. 

 Dylan: I actually haven't heard much of the record, there' some semi bargo thing on it, it's a big secret. 

 Taylor: Everybody's been saying that I don't know why that is. 

 Dylan: Well it is a big secret, I tried to download it you've got a vast internet site -  

 Taylor: You can't find it on the internet, but you've got connections man, what - 

 Dylan: I haven't got anything, but I have heard some of this single and here's a bit of it now. 

 **Shows a bit of If Only film clip** 

 Dylan: You're working with some nice guests on the album as well, tell us a bit about the guests. 

 Taylor: Yeah, on that song John Popper plays the harmonica solo, he's from a band called "Blues Travelers" they're a successful band in the states, and then also Jonny Lang, he's just a young blues guitarist, great guitarist. Also Rose Stone. 

 Isaac: Yeah, Rose Stone from Fly and the family stone, she directed the choir, she co-ordinated all the people coming in and wails on the end. 

 Dylan: **Pulls face** That's my astonished Eskimo look.  

 Taylor: Have you ever been to Alaska? Actually studied up on Eskimos? 

 Dylan: I'm from Alaska.  

 Taylor: Oh, very nice. 

 Dylan: I'm from a different place with each interview, depending on - 

 Isaac/Taylor: Cool.  

 Dylan: Any other guests? Who's the DJ guy? 

 Taylor: Um, DJ Swamp who's Beck's DJ, great awesome DJ. 

 Dylan: This album follows "Middle Of Nowhere" from 1997 you may remember "MMMBop" which we were talking about before, sold over ten million copies, reached number one all over the world including Australia. How's life been since then? 

 Isaac: Good, It's been good. (Dylan picks up instrument) Oh, are you going to play "MMMBop" with your tuba or something? 

 Dylan: It's not the tuba! Stop calling it a tuba! It's a sussa phone, sussa phone. 

 Isaac: Ok. 

 (Dylan attempts to play MMMBop on his sussa phone everyone laughs) 

 Taylor: Ok that's, that's very nice dude, we actually need a sussa phone player in our band. 

 Dylan: That's what everyone's saying, trying to suck up back to me - 

 Isaac: We don't have a base player though, you can play the base lines on the... sussa phone. 

 Dylan: How are you playing gigs without a base player? 

 Isaac: Well we have a base player but not actually in the band. 

 Dylan: more sucking up I understand- have you changed much since the last album? 

 Taylor: As far as music goes I would say yeah, our music's a little different, time goes by you write different music - 

 Dylan: Voices drop. 

 Taylor: Voices drop yeah -  

 Dylan: Ruined Alled, you like Alled? 

 Taylor: I can't say I'm too familiar with Alled Jones 

 Dylan: Yeah, that's cause he's ruined, his voice broke. 

 Taylor: There ya go-  

 Dylan: Only doing one gig this visit, with a band or on your own? 

 Isaac: No, with a band. 

 Taylor: We'll be playing full band, really we've been doing a few little short gigs, we're going to be coming back to tour later this year. 

 Dylan: This year? 

 Isaac: Yes. In October/ November. 

 Dylan: One show only, tomorrow March 25th at the Brisbane riverstage! 

 Taylor: Yes.  

 Dylan: Yes. Tickets will be two dollars, and proceeds will benefit the Smith learning for life charity. Your nice aren't cha? Isaac, Zac and Taylor it's been an absolutely pleasure, thank you very much for visiting us live at the ten thirty slot - Hanson! (to Zac) Can I arm wrestle you? 

 Zac: You want to arm wrestle me? 

 Dylan: Are you strong? 

 Zac: Not necessarily, I'm sure you could beat me. 

 Dylan: really? That's not even a challenge. 

 Isaac: ar, go for it! 

 Dylan: Really? We need a table (to Isaac) do you think you could bend down and be a table for us? 

 Isaac: Ah, actually I don't think so. 

 Taylor: He doesn't have a very steady back. 

 Dylan: Can we have an arm wrestle I know we haven't got time, but gee it's Zac! 

 Taylor: Ok, this is ah, please children cover your eyes! 

 Dylan: You ready, come on you've got to try. It's not my show at all, it's yours. 

 Zac: Ok. 

 Dylan: Ready, go! 

 (They arm wrestle; Zac starts to win, then Dylan uses his whole body in order to win!) 

 Isaac: He's using his body, hello! 

 Dylan: Come on! 

 Taylor: All your body weight! 


 Zac: It's kind of hard to wrestle when you're laughing to death. 

 Dylan: That's my tactic. 

 Isaac: And he's using his whole body weight. 

 Dylan: I am not, I'm not ten years older either.