The Panel


The Panel Interview March 22nd, 2000 BACK

Interviewer: Well, our next guests need no introduction, though one of them needed ID to get into the studio (laughter) please welcome Isaac, Taylor and Zac collectively known as Hanson!

Interviewer: Now can I say, we have officially broken the record for the number of people on the panel, congratulations.

Isaac: Well, we were glad to be apart of that.

Interviewer: Absolutely, It`s a great record in anticipation, you were here a couple of years ago?

Isaac: Yeah, we were here in `97 and its almost been three years which is kind of scary.

Interviewer: And how's this tour comparing to those days?

Taylor: It`s going really well.

Isaac:  It`s just as exciting.

Taylor: Yeah, the first single "If Only" is out now and it`s just been really cool to see the fans responding to the music, it`s been fun.

Interviewer: How many years is it now since you've been together, well you've been together since... (laughs) when did you say we we`re a band, how long ago was that?

Taylor: Eight years we did our first show about eight year.

Isaac: It started out at a local music and arts festival called Mayfest, in our home town of Tulsa Oklahoma.

Interviewer: Oh, I love Tulsa

Isaac: I would say we`ve been there many times, lots of tourist attractions.

Interviewer: I lived in Tulsa as a child um, that was just last year, (laughter) I just went around as a little kid, and the year before that I lived in New York as an old lady. (more laughter)

Isaac: All I have to say is in America, you can start out as a black man and end up a white women! (laughs)

Interviewer: And ah you have, there are other members of the family who are younger?

Taylor: Yes there's four siblings that are younger, seven kids in the family.

Interviewer: And are they gonna be involved in the band in the future?

Isaac: We get that question quite a bit actually.

Zac: Ok, the band, It's just a coincidence that we're brothers - It`s not like we`re looking for members, we`re not gonna add ya know "Hey, I'm Billy, I'm Johnny, I'm Dela I'm ..". (Laughs)

Isaac: We could include everyone in the band here!

Taylor: You guys wanna, anyone wanna be in the band?

Zac: And every,

Isaac: Every single person, then we could have a record of how many people are in Hanson.

Girl: But, you might not be auditioning, but when the band started, you were like...

Zac: Six years old

Girl: Yeah, well see you're not gonna wanna be hanging around with 12 year olds when you're six normally unless you met them in the lounge room.

Taylor: Hey! Do you come here often? (laughs) I remember I saw you!

Interviewer: But when one of you hits a bum note or writes a bum lyric, do you like punch them in the arm really hard?(laughs) Are you more like brothers or more like a band?

Zac: We`re both, we`re all the same, we`re brothers in a band.

Taylor: One and the same, so it`s kinda like it`s all intertwined.

Interviewer: Wedges and

Isaac: Put it this way, we try not to inflict too much physical pain on each other because we would break things.

Taylor: Exactly

Interviewer: But you know you could just hit him down and dribble him to his mouth? (laughs)

Isaac: We could do that too.. but Interviewer: but you know if he's really annoying you..

Isaac/Taylor: Yeah...

Interviewer: Do you find touring a grind? is it a pain?

Zac: It`s a lot of fun

Isaac: Yeah I mean it can be a grind but it`s also very much fun.

Interviewer: Are you leaving plenty of time for the important things, about you know growing up, buying your first knife, internet pornography (laughs)

Isaac: Ah, we try to refrain from several of those things.

Interviewer: Hey have you guys seen that old Paul Newman film "Slapshot?" the ice hockey movie?

Isaac/Zac: Yes , we have.

Interviewer: Its got the Hanson brothers, the three psychopaths? (laughs)

Zac: Actually we`re not,

Isaac: Yes, we have been mistaken for those once, for more then one reason,

Zac: And you know what? actually one of the funniest things was, there's a Tulsa hockey game and those guys were there, and a bunch of our fans, this is before we were signed, went to the show and they're like Hanson!...

Interviewer: Well I heard there was a Hanson Brothers competition and more people came dressed as you guys, but anyway.

Interviewer 1: Well the first album, was a disappointing eight million seller (laughs) how much does this sort of play on your mind when you're going back in to do no.2?

Isaac: Um it really hasn't played much of a significant role at all in the sense that we`re making the music that we always have and we`re going about it in the same way that we always have, I don't think you can let that get to you on a musical level because you have to do what you have done,

Taylor: I mean you`re aware of it of course, it`s something that your thinking about but it`s kind of something..

Zac: Its not really anything

Taylor: that you can't do anything about.

Taylor: Yeah, exactly, you can't really, it`s like "Ok, everybody go out and buy the record!" You know, it`s the kind of thing where you make the music and see what happens.

Interviwer: And you had some pretty cool guys coming in to play on this album haven't you? for some sessions what sort of...

Taylor: We had Johnny Lang who`s a young blues guitarist, he's a really amazing guy,

Isaac: My age,

Taylor: Um John Popper from a band called "Blues Travelers" a blues harp player actually played on If Only, the song we`re gonna maybe play for you guys later,

Interviewer : Does he really have harmonicas in all those pouches?

Taylor: He ah

Isaac: He does, he does, yes actually we met both those guys Johnny Lang and John Popper on tour last year, and ah it just,

Zac: Just said hey do you wanna come play

Taylor: Yeah, just said hey do you wanna ever come play on our record were recording and they were just really into it.

Isaac: And we actually played our song MMMBop with him onstage and his band Blues Travelers and he played a solo in the middle and it was kind of funny ya know, cause he was like ah ...

Zac: These ones aren't outta key!

Interviewer: But did you actually make a point of sticking with younger players rather then dinosaurs? (laughs)

Taylor: Well dinosaurs of course would be

Zac: If you're asking if you could be on the next record - no! (laughs)

Interviewer: Have you heard of Young Talent Time? Cause we had a show here, some years ago, that has bred some of the finest talent and it was based around, with Johnny Young it was I was on it actually, have we got some footage? Would you like to see some?

Isaac: Sure why not? It might be interesting..

(Shows footage of a man now an interviewer on the Panel dancing in these old fashioned clothes while singing)

Interviewer :Ok ah maybe look and learn! (laughs)

Taylor: Wow, that's incredible

Isaac: It`s like the white Michael Jackson during Thriller, except for... not even close! (laughs)

Interviewer : Yes, that's basically it. You are going to do a song for us this evening?

Taylor: We surely are,

Isaac: Yes,

Interviewer: Well thank you so much for dropping by. Zac I know it`s late we better um, (laughs) this is no no!

Zac: And ah, we`re trying to get you off to bed.

Interviewer: Yes, yes as we fairly said. This is a first (shows album) no ones seen this particular album before, in fact it is called :

Isaac:;This Time Around Yes, and it comes out April17th

Interviewer1: April17th

Taylor: No pun intended

Interviewer1: Ah, thank you, and your doing one show only in Brisbane?

Isaac: Yes we`re doing a show in Brisbane

Taylor: It`s not really, it`s a promotional concert that we`re going to be doing for charity and we`re going to be playing about eight songs, something like that but it will be fun,

Isaac: Yeah, it`s at the Royal Botanical Gardens

Interviewer: Up in Brisbane

Isaac: Yes,

Interviewer: Well I`ll ask everybody at the desk except for Hanson, to leave.

Girl interviewer: Can I just quickly ask what your ring says?

Taylor: It says Hanson It`s a logo it`s our little Hanson logo, it`s our name just kind of schwished together, yeah it was made by a fan,

Girl: And your the only one who has got one?

Taylor: Yeah well actually,

Zac: There were three of them we just decided not to wear them (laughs) It just wouldn't fit!

Taylor: He's got huge hands

Interviewer: Not Hansonites leave the desk I`ll let you and the guys set up,

Taylor: Yeah, sure, sure

Interviewer: And I`ll do the appropriate playing, what have we got guitar and ah bit of harmonica?

Isaac: Guitar and a bit of harmonica

Interviewer: The album out on... sometime in April,

Isaac: April seventeenth

Interviewer: April seventeenth, thank you very much, and this is the first single from the album If Only, ladies and gentlemen... Hanson!