(Hanson perform Merry Christmas Baby)
Jay Leno : How are you guys, good to see you! Isaac : Good! Taylor : Good Zac : Good! Jay Leno : You know, it`s so funny but (audience screams loud) Taylor : Good audience! Jay Leno : Yeah, good audience! Jay Leno : You know it`s so funny, you guys have been coming here for so long, we make a mark on the wall each time, and the mark gets higher (interrupted by screaming) Taylor : Guys! (motions to audience to quieten down) Isaac/Zac : (puts their fingers to lips to tell audience to quieten down) Jay Leno : I gotta ask you something, now is it just me or are you`re voices changing? do I hear a difference? Taylor : Just a little bit! Jay Leno : Just a little? Zac : That does happen Taylor : It`s just one of those things Zac : Im sure it happened to you Taylor : I think it happened to you didn`t it? Jay Leno : It did, It happened to me about four years ago, right in front of guests. (all laugh) Jay Leno : Now you got, this is not you`re first christmas album? Isaac : No Zac : That`s Isaac : Actually we have a christmas album called Snowed In, but that was a song that was in on the ah Jack Frost soundtrack that`s a new Warner Brothers movie, actually we`re playing at the premiere for that, which is actually tomorrow, it`s in West Wood. Taylor : It`s in West Wood and we will be playing at the premiere it`s at eleven o clock if anybody Jay Leno : You`re playing in West Wood? Taylor : Yeah, in West Wood Jay Leno : Outside? Taylor : yeah, we`ll be playing outside Jay Leno : (sarcastic) Oh that won`t tie up traffic, that should be great! Isaac : They`re closing down the roads Zac : We`re thinking we`re just gonna, you know, Jay Leno : Wait, speaking of blocking traffic, you`re driving now? Taylor : Im starting to drive, I worry about it! (audience screams) Jay Leno : Have you got a permit? Taylor : Yeah I ll be getting a permit once I Zac : Speaking of blocking traffic! Isaac : Yeah, this guys Taylor : Yeah, speaking of blocking traffic! yeah, Im gonna be like Jay Leno : Will you guys drive with him? Isaac : (Sarcastic) No , no , no absolutely not! Zac : No, no I trust myself to drive, Jay Leno : What would you get for a car, what would you get for a car? Taylor : What would I get for a car? umm Jay Leno : kinda geo metro? Taylor : *laughs* uh it depends on if you`re going bigger or if you`re just going like normal car. Jay Leno : No, what would you get, what would you ge ? Isaac : Oh, I noticed you we`re driving a normal car today. Jay Leno : Yeah, it`s raining I had to get a normal car , but what would you drive, what would you drive? Taylor : Oh probably a four wheel drive car of some kind, a four wheel drive car, just something that you can get into the mud, something you can really get down. Isaac : Zac likes the truck, Zac is, you know Jay Leno : Any girlfriends? Isaac : Nobody has girlfriends (audience scream) Taylor : No girlfriends, every time you ask us, no we don`t have girlfriends. (audience still screaming) Jay Leno : Just checking Isaac : Well, you know, I mean, you go on dates with all kinds of different people but no girlfriends no. Jay Leno : All right, well this is the new cd right there, Jack Frost, guys thanks as always, always a pleasure Hanson! be right back right after this.