Hot thiry Interview


Hot Thirty Interview on the Kyle and Jackie O show, July 21st 2000 BACK

Kyle: Ok, we have Taylor Hanson on the phone, how are ya buddy?

Taylor: Hey, how's it going Kyle?

Kyle: Yeah mate, I'm really really good,so what have you been up too, you been busy? Your tour starts off in a couple of days time.

Taylor: Um yeah, we been doing our thing, practicing for the tour, actually we've been practicing for the start of this tour and then we'll be off playing shows and we're gonna see some of your listeners in San Francisco.

Kyle: Oh yeah, hopefully the only thing about a week ago we gave it away so, and it went ballistic, people ringing in threatening my life, *Tay laughs* If they don't get in the draw. They we're going crazy!

Taylor: Your like For Goodness sake, It's just a contest!

Kyle: Yeah and they,

Taylor: This Is my life!

Kyle: And they we're sending me letters, begging me and all these things written out, *Tay laughs* I felt terrible cause they had to win to go and see you I couldn't just hand out presents like that on a platter!

Taylor: Well you know of course they show their excitement and devotion that way, they wanted to express it by doing something, it wouldn't be right to just them something.

Kyle: Yeah, yeah, Im agreeing with you, now the tour starts off in Oklahoma?

Taylor: Uh, It starts off in our home town yeah, Tulsa.

Kyle: That will be great, how many people do you reckon, over ten?

Taylor: Over ten... people?

Kyle: Yeah, more than ten people will be going to that concert?

Taylor: I would say at least ten, yeah cause our family has nine in it, so, or ten I'd say 'cause the sound guys coming, so probably about ten people, it'd be cool.

Kyle: Ten to start off with, that's pretty good!

Taylor: Yeah, twelve, thirteen, fourteen kind of like every show bring in another person in, It'd be cool, It will be fun, we're very excited about it.

Kyle: And where are you going mate?

Taylor: Um well the first week of the tour starts of in the US, and then you know everywhere else, we've tried to, uh, we we're talking about coming to Australia towards the end of the yeah or early in the coming year, uh.

Kyle: Yeah good, that'd be great, I'd love to see you hear again.

Taylor: Yeah, that'd be awesome, you know of course the Australian fans are amazing, as you were talking about the listeners and uh, so hopefully we'll be there.

Kyle: Yeah, they love you. Now your shows sold out in the US apparently they opened the ticket doors and bang!! They were all sold out.

Taylor: Yes, that's what I heard, but it's a good thing, it's a good thing it'd be fun to play shows, going to be a lot of fun.

Kyle: You'd be very impressed with that wouldn't you?

Taylor: Absolutely.

Kyle: Did you sit around and say to the other guys, They sold out in like a couple of minutes! We've made the big time!" *Tay laughs*

Taylor: Well It's better, then you know not selling out, so that's good.

Kyle: Yeah, now the first single If Only off the new album This Time Around now that went gold in Australia, it was only here for four weeks and straight to gold, are you pretty thrilled about that?

Taylor: Absolutely, absolutely, well I mean it was pretty crazy, it was awesome to go back down and see the Australian fans again, we had a really great time when we we're their.

Kyle: Well you just hang around with us for a little bit we're going to be straight back with Taylor Hanson at the hot thirty countdown.

*Part Two*

Kyle: We got Taylor Hanson on this end of the phone, so where are you exactly Taylor Hanson, are you at your house?

Taylor: Ah, where am I? ah, the question! Oh well to keep it interesting, I'm gonna say Im at an undisclosed location.

Kyle: Your in a phone box in the street somewhere aren't you?

Taylor: Uh, yes, well you know what? I could be in Australia right now and you wouldn't know it!

Kyle: Don't say that!

Taylor: See, Im actually not even rehearsing, Im actually chillin at the Great Barrier Reef! and you know, I'm looking out at the sunset and the suns long gone at this point, but ya know, you know what I'm saying??

Kyle: Yeah, your lying to us!

Taylor: Im lying on a beach, I'm lying on a beach and it's beautiful.

Kyle: Now you've just done a heap of TV shows? What have you been on, That Donnie And Marie Show?

Taylor: Uh, we've just kinda been doing everything I guess you could say, a heap of TV shows just about covers it!

Kyle: And MTV and  the Tonight Show and all that sort of stuff?

Taylor: Yeah, all that sort of stuff.

Kyle: Do you get nervous going on TV?

Taylor: You know what? If we got nervous doing all that stuff we'd probably have a pretty big problem since that's what we do you know, I think there's certain shows you walk out their you're like Wow! We did a show for a radio concert with the "Dodgers Stadium" in LA and it was huge. Those kind of things you walk out there and you're like there's only sixteen thousand people out there, no big deal!"But you just kind of go for it and have a good time.

Kyle: What's the best thing with what you guys have done so far 'cause starting off your all quite young all this and MMMBop out of the way, and it went totally ballistic and now your sitting back now, what do you think? Do you think "Gee, I'm glad that we didn't think we were gonna get a job in a bank someday, I'm glad we decided to be popstars?

*Tay Laughs* :  Well uh, It's not exactly like that at all, you know what we're gonna do is we're gonna sell these records, It's a love  for doing the music and we're having a great time doing it, so I think we're definitely glad we are doing what we're doing.


Kyle: Hi, how are ya doin bud?

Isaac: Doing very good.

Kyle: Are you guys just thrilled with the success they you guys have had in Australia, 'cause when you come here, the shopping centers just fill up with thousands of screaming girls! *Isaac laughs* You must love that, I'd love to walk out down the street have all these girls screaming, It's never gonna happen.

Isaac: It's always exciting, that's all I have to say, It is very exciting, never a dull moment,

Kyle: Do you guys have girlfriends, or do you beat the girls with a stick?

Isaac: Ah, so steady girlfriends right now, I mean you know of course as anyone does, you date people off and on, but no steady girlfriends of right now.

Kyle: Ah, so your available, Is that what you're saying?

Isaac: I am available at this moment, so all the Australian girls call in now, we will be doing interviews later uh,

Kyle: Send picture and...

Isaac: I'll leave Kyle the address of where to go, we can meet and spend time together you know. *Isaac laughs*

Kyle: You're giving me a hell of a lot of trouble now, their all gonna ring they'll be lining up outside the radio station begging for me to help them meet you! You know what you've done to me now don't you?

Isaac: Well, I gotta give you something to do!

Kyle: You've crushed me and your gonna destroy me.

Isaac: Well you see, once they show up and they see you, they'll know what they truly came for.

Kyle: I find that extremely hard to believe, hey do you like Jessica Simpson?

Isaac: Um yeah she's really nice, I've met her before, I know that she has a really steady boyfriend right now.

Kyle: Oh, big deal, your Hanson for God's sake.

Isaac: Well, you know whatever, She's nice, I haven't spent much time with her you know, She's very pretty definitely.

Kyle: She's a stunner, she was here a couple of weeks ago and I was all jelly legged and didn't know what to say.

Isaac: Yeah well, as would most people.

*Part Two*

Kyle: We have Isaac from Hanson on the phone right now, buddy, what are you doing right now?

Isaac: Well actually, we just finished rehearsal where we are right now, It's ten thirty p.m. so we just finished what we were doing where rehearsing for the tour right now, getting ready to start in the US and it's gonna be fun.

Kyle: So your ready to go home get your pajamas on and hop into bed?

Isaac: Oh, no, Im a night owl.

Kyle: So what will you be doing tonight when you finish?

Isaac: Well, might go to a movie, go have some coffee with some friends, you know, whatever.

Kyle: Do you have to go in disguise, like when you go to the movies?

Isaac: No, no.

Kyle: You just strut out into the movies and line up with everyone else?

Isaac: Yeah, pretty much.

Kyle: Do you? I don't even do that!

Isaac: Hey well, you don't know what you're missing.

Kyle: I go in disguise, *Isaac laughs* not that anyone knows who I am, but It's fun to dress up I think.

Isaac: Well, hey, there you go, you know 'to each his own' as they say.

Kyle: Have you ever longed to go anywhere in disguise?

Isaac: Um, no, the most disguised I've ever been in is what's he wearing a hat or something like that.


Kyle: Hey Zac, you there buddy?

Zac: Hello?

Kyle: Zac, how ya doin?

Zac: Im doing fine.

Kyle: What are you guys doing, just hanging out practicing for you concert which starts in a couple of days time? Have you got any big plans for the weekend?

Zac: Oh, no big plans.

Kyle: So you wake up Saturday morning just vege around the house doing nothing?

Zac: Oh, something like that.

Kyle: So how old are you know?

Zac: Im fourteen.

Kyle: Ah, so fourteen year olds have a heap of stuff to so, like you can't drive yet so how do you get around?

Zac: Ah, we don't.

Kyle: You don't? You haven't got to get your Mum to drive you around everyday do you?

Zac: No

Kyle: Do you have limos and stuff or do you ride your bike?

Zac: No, I don't ride my bike, I don't have a bike.

Kyle: Don't you have a bike? Im buying you a bike! a BMX bike, Do you have BMX's over there?

Zac: Yes, we have BMX bikes.

>Kyle: Do you want me to buy youone?

Zac: Please do, I would love a bike.

Kyle: What colour crone? or would you like a red one?

Zac: I think a red, you know, the feel of speed.

Kyle: The wind running through your hair when your riding a bike. Need to experience that Zac, everyone else is doing it.

Zac: Trust me, I've experienced riding bikes. I ride a motorcycle.

Kyle: Do ya?

Zac: I have a tw0o hundred, a dirt bike.

Kyle: Oh right, so your doing good on it? jumps, that sort of thing?

Zac: Yeah, I can do an ok job of a wheeley.

Kyle: For how long? How far can you go?

Zac: Um, I don't know that, I've never measured

Kyle: We're talking, one metre, two metres or no, you don't have metres over there do you? You have feet.

Zac: No, it would be feet, Or yards.

Kyle: You have like ten feet, or one hundred feet are we talking?

Zac: No, we're not talking a hundred feet.

Kyle: We're just talking pissy little wheelies?

Zac: Yeah, probably. I don't know what a .. wheeley is .

Kyle: A little wheelies stand, doing a mono, that's what we call it in Australia a mono, you heard of that before?

Zac: Ok, no.

Kyle: You going through the mud on that bike Zac?

Zac: Why of course, all the time.

Kyle: Your Mum doing the laundry is she saying For God sakes Zac, stop going through the mud, I'm sick of washing your clothes

Zac: That's why I don't wash my motorcycle clothes.

Kyle: So their filthy, their filthy dirty?

Zac: Yes, and that's the way I like it.

*Part Two*

Kyle: We still got Zac on the phone, you know Zac, every girl is just like Have you got a girlfriend Zac?

Zac: Ah, no I don't have a girlfriend.

Kyle: Right, so none of you have girlfriends, you're all just single, good looking, rock star sort of guys, just waiting to meet all the Australian girls.

Zac: I don't want you calling me good looking, that's just wrong.

Kyle: No, It's all right, I can appreciate it man to man.

Zac: Well, thank you , Im scared but thank you.

Kyle: Don't be scared I'm not cracking onto you or anything, do you think Im a weirdo?

Zac: No.

Kyle: What have you got plans to do over the next year, your brothers told me you might be coming out to Australia at the end of this year, beginning of next year. Are there other big plans, you gonna bring out another album or getting your own TV show? or anything like that?

Zac: Ah you know, we're hoping to bring out a new album next year, or the year after that, you know, one of those, It's gonna be within the next millenium, we'll get an album out before 3000 that's my plan definitely.

Kyle: Fantastic. And is your Mum going to have any more babies?

Zac: Um, not that I know of.

Kyle: 'Cause we heard a rumor your Mum was having another baby.

Zac: Nope.

Kyle: Unless of course your Mum hasn't told you?

Zac: Yeah.

Kyle: She's keeping it a secret from you.

Zac: And she's not keeping it a secret from all those people in Australia, who heard it before I did.

Kyle: She told all of us before you, you might have to speak to her tonight, Listen Mum, you need to tell US before you tell the rest of the world.

Zac: I'll do that, yeah right (sarcasm)

Kyle: Zac, thanks very much for joining us on the hot thirty dot com, wish Taylor and Isaac all the best and we'll talk to you when you come out here next!

Zac: Yes, definitely, thanks very much, bye, thank you.