Hot Thirty Interview


Hot Thirty Interview, December 1st, 2000 BACK

Hot Thirty Interview with Taylor on December 1st 2000 (Not sure when this interview was recorded!)

Part one:

Jackie: Taylor how are you going

Taylor: Very good, how are you guys?

Jackie: Good, we were just talking to Isaac about rumours, have you heard any bizarre rumours about the band recently? There's always rumours floating round isn't there?

Taylor: Always's rumours? Uh, any new rumours? Well, I think you know there's always's the girlfriend rumours and your dating this person or that or probably the biggest one in the last year of course, is that Ike's leaving the band and that's a pretty, that's one that is pretty confirmed by people "Oh yeah, Ike's leaving the band."

Kyle: You just said he was!

Taylor: He's going to college, it's all over, the bands breaking up.

Jackie: It's just you and Zac

Taylor: They hate each other ah, you know there's little stupid ones, but the bigger ones are always, that you know one of us is gonna go solo and you know that acting thing there's always "wait, Zac's going to be in a tv show right?"

Jackie: Lets set the record straight then, are there any movies?

Taylor: There's not really any plans for a movie actual or anything, none which we would be betraying the band or anything like that.

Jackie: So would you be playing a different character?

Taylor: Music in movies or you know, even acting things, but those are always's you know under the radar as far as you know the focus *is music* but there's possibilities there, new tv shows by any stretch.

Jackie: Right, well lets say you had the opportunity to star in any movie, what would you have chosen? What has been a movie you've seen?

Taylor: A movie? Well I think I would have to go with "Last Bohemian" ah "Braveheart", you know, something like that, not that I would fit any of those roles.

Kyle: Your into the Indian movies aren't ya?

Taylor: Not that I could actually fit in * any of those movie roles.*

Jackie: Ok, another rumour, the girlfriends, let me see if you guys don't have girlfriends.

Taylor: Uh, well here's the thing you know, we date people all the time we just don't we still I would still say I wouldn't go telling everybody that I have a girlfriend, I wouldn't want it broadcast to the world so we date people all the time but we don't actually have steady girlfriends right now. (*my computer mucked up again not sure he said that *)

Kyle: Right so you just keep going through different girls?

Taylor: Well I guess I, not exactly, that sounds awful, But I think I haven't been in a relationship long enough to say "Here's her address, you can call her!"

Jackie: Is that because you realize that it's not realistic to have a girlfriend because your always touring or in the studio or is it just because you haven't met someone that you'd like enough to have a relationship with?

Taylor: It's definitely not that, it's definitely not that I didn't like anyone to want to have a relationship with, I think it's more just you know, to be honest with you I don't think it's really the worlds business you know? It's kind of like well, you know what? Do I really wanna tell everyone, you know who I've gone out with and who's my girlfriend all those kind of things, so all those things really.

Jackie: I was just wanting to ask, did somebody run up on stage and pull your pants down recently?

Taylor: Definitely not. Well I've had, there has been numerous people jumping on stage, you know the one which I would really like to dis own, but it did happen and is kind of interesting, there was a guy, I think it was in Florida somewhere, he dressed up and put a dress on and came up to me and kissed me on the cheek and I kicked him on his way out because I was so mad at him, but that was pretty off colour. We've had a lot of that, we've had a lot of people jumping on stage, most of them not guys in dresses, but you know,it happens numerous times.

Kyle: Maybe you should put an electric volt charge fence around so when they jump up, they get electrocuted and flung back into the crowd.

Taylor: You know what that's an idea, dude that's a good idea, we should put an invisible fence across the front of the stage or you know what?"oosh oosh" the noise it would make we could have a mandatory electric collar that everybody has to wear when the walk in, you know those dog collars? just shock em from a distance. I think that would either bring in a lot of people or exclude everyone from ever going to Hanson shows.

Kyle: How's the little one doing, is he alright?

Taylor: Zac? He's doing great, yeah.

Kyle: Cause last time I spoke to him, he was a little, I felt like he didn't want to talk to me.

Taylor laughs

Kyle: I've had emails from people saying "Kyle don't get upset when you spoke to Zac, it takes a while for him to get to know people" They're talking as if they're his personal nurse.

Taylor: The thing is, we have a lot of very very die hard fans, it is sort of funny because it's like they act as if we're best friends and we've known each other from birth you know "Oh, this is Janie, we've spent a lot of time together, her birthday's" You know? They just know everything about you, it's cool but it's kind of funny sometimes.

Jackie: Your bringing out a new CD "Live At The Fillmore"?

Taylor: That was shot that we were considering making a DVD of this Christmas, but , we did it at the Fillmore which is just a classic rock venue in the states, just a lot of really great bands play there, so it was kind of a coo that we got to do that, but no it's not going to be an album, but we were considering making a live video of it and that could still possibly come out.

Kyle: What CD'S do you guys listen to when your at home?

Taylor: Uh we were discovering older stuff, anything from "The Cars" to "Vertical Horizon" "Red Hot Chille Peppers, Macy Gray, Train. I would say Verticle Horizon is probably one of the current favourites in the Hanson albums, It's a great album, a very great album.

Jackie: Just talking about one of your TV shows, I remember reading the Spice Girls once said when they did David Letterman when they were backstage, every time he walked past, they had to face the wall, have you guys ever had experienced anything like that?

Taylor: Well David Letterman is just kind of a more personal person, kind of likes to be on his own, so a couple of times when we we're there the first couple of times, they'd lock the doors so that you wouldn't be in the halls when he walked in the room, that's one thing that we've experienced. But everybody's really cool on that show. The weird thing about David Letterman is that we've done it four or five times and everytime we go it gets colder, they've kept it at about 45 degrees farenheight which is really cold.

Jackie: In TV shows, a lot of TV show people mime on them, have you ever been in circumstances where you've had to mime?

Taylor: Well, we've been in you know when you go to Europe where you go to a lot of different countries, they make you do that, there's a lot of big shows all throughout Europe it's this particular won't let you play live you know.

Jackie: Yeah, why is that?

Taylor: They're not set up for it, but those are rare things we've always's done away from having to do that, but any shows in the US it's that way and a lot of the shows in Australia where of course you get to play live, but sometimes the TV shows, they just are not set up to have bands play, but it's very weird.

Jackie: So obviously you play live cause that's your choice, what do you think of bands that mime when they're doing live shows for their fans?

Taylor: I think your coming to see a live band cause it's live and there's energy and that's the great thing about it and

Kyle: Ever have any mishaps?

Taylor: Oh yeah, well a couple of different camera guys actually, one of our camera guys on the first tour stepped off stage, broke his wrist and broke the camera in half, we've ripped holes in the classic "rip the whole straight through the crotch" kinda thing in the middle of the show

Kyle: Isn't that a great experience?

Taylor: Yeah, that's a great experience, landing on top of the camera guy, Zac did that a couple of shows ago, jumped off the top of the drums, cause there's a song where I play the drums and at the very end Zac jumps off the top of the drums and flies about ten feet in the air and landed on top of a camera guy and snapped the camera in half, that was kind of interesting and a few of the getting shocked by the microphone, just good stuff.