Hanson's Australia quotes...

Big Hit magazine Jan`00 Here's Hanson

Have you missed your fans?

Zac: Of course. But we've been in contact with them all the time. We've been emailing some fans for ages now. We've also had the fan club magazine, so we haven't neglected all our fans. Everyone in Australia must be wondering where we've been, but we've been there if you can find us.

Do you have a message for your Aussie fans?

Zac: Yeah, please buy our record! You'll love it. It's more rock and roll then before cos we feel more like a rock and roll band.

Taylor: Say hi and I want to come to Bondi Beach and learn to surf dude! By the time I get over there I think It'll be a world expert and ready to take on the whole of Australia!

Ike: Just tell them we've missed them really bad! And we are itching to come over and see them all.

Are there any plans for you to visit Australia?

Ike: We really hope so- we just love the weather over there- it really rocks!

Dolly magazine Jan `00 Hanson heats up!

Australia went off last time you were here. What's your best memory?

Isaac: When we were in Melbourne, we did a show that was orginally planned to be an instore performance, but it ended up being a performance for about 25,000 people in the parking lot! How could you forget that one? We were looking at this place going "Wow! If we fill this area we'll be doing great. They must be expecting a lot of people." Turns out the area they had barricaded, for maybe 8-10,000 people, it just overflowed like crazy. You couldn't see the end of the people! And he airport was full of people! It's insane how many people were there. We walked out of the gate and there were thousands of people waiting for us. And they had six policemen who surrounded us and our dad and our security guy and our manager, and we made this circle just to get through. It was insane.

Zac: It was really cool. We were there in Australia's winter. In Tulsa right now there's a metre of snow- I love cold weather.

You guys should have waited a few months.

Zac: Exactly, I agree! But we didn't get to Australia when we toured here last time, so it'll be lots of fun when we do. I know from at least the last album we had a lot of fans down there, and we never got to spend as much time as we would have liked to. This time we'll kick some butt in Australia!

Did you get to go out and have fun?

Isaac: We flew out of Sydney Harbour on seaplanes to a nearby beach. That was fun.

You'll have to find yourself Aussie chicks!

Zac: The problem is we work too much. If any of us had an Australian girl we'd never see her! We already have a problem of not getting down to Australia enough, and then you've got your girlfriend down there and that would just be really bad!

TV Hits article- Attack force Z.I.T! Jan '00

Are you hanging to visit us?

Taylor: Oh yeah, absolutely! Last time we were there the fans were so receptive, so we're psyched!

Are you gonna play live when you come down here?

Taylor: Yeah, that's the plan!

And surf?

Taylor: Oh, absolutely! We have to!

('99) Isaac talking on Hey Hey It's Saturday. When asked if they will tour Australia- I'm sure we will definitely make it down here to tour, definitely!

TV Hits article- Hot On The Heels Of Hanson! August `98

Hi guys! What did you think of Australia when you were there a year ago?

Isaac: Australia in general, we really enjoyed being there. It was very, very cool. We have a lot of fans in Australia and we are really looking forward to going back there very soon.

Taylor: We were in Sydney and Melbourne and both places were just very, very cool.

What city was your favourite?

Taylor: Sydney was just really really beautiful, but in Melbourne we had a whole lot of screaming fans!

Isaac: We really enjoyed both places. They're very unique to themselves.

What was the one thing that you liked most about Australia?

Taylor: Beautiful beaches.

TV Hits article- Hanson Live From New York! July `98

Where are you at the moment?

Ike: Um, we're actually in New York City. Where are you?


Ike: You're in Sydney? Sydney is a really beautiful city.

What do you remember about your visit to Australia?

Taylor: Um, well, it was really loud, first of all! (laughs) But no, I mean... I loved Oz! We loved Australia- It was really fun!

So when are you coming back?

Taylor: We're trying to plan an extension of the tour to come down there- so, you know, we can't wait to come down again. We talked of that for a long time!

Do you have a message for all your fans out here?

Zac: (puts on a voice and yells) We love you!

TV Hits article- Fair Dinkum? June `98

We've heard that the Hansons are thinking of moving down under!

Zac: It's amazing, the rumours about us moving. I've heard the rumours that we're moving to Australia.

Isaac: We're not going anywhere, how do these amazing rumours get started? Yeah, next thing you know they'll be this rumour that we have a harem of girls or something. (laughs)

Taylor: On the internet we've read letters and seen stuff written in magazines, that says, Hanson's moving to Australia.

Zac: Everywhere you go, they say you're moving to there.

Isaac: We still have the same house, but we're not there very often, so that's kind of confusing.

TV Hits article- There's No Place Like Home. April `98

So, what would the guys say is their favourite country?

Zac: Our favourite place? It's Australia! The beaches just blew us away and there was so much to do. We also like Bali, it was kind of like a movie set - all the sand and palm trees.

Taylor: Italy is really cool too.

Isaac: But Australia is really really cool.

TV Hits article- There's No Place Like Home. April `98

So, what would the guys say is their favourite country?

Zac: Our favourite place? It's Australia! The beaches just blew us away and there was so much to do. We also like Bali, it was kind of like a movie set - all the sand and palm trees.

Taylor: Italy is really cool too.

Isaac: But Australia is really really cool.

Dolly Article "When Hanson Came to Australia..." July/August `97

What's the craziest thing you'd heard about Australia before you came here for a visit?

Zac: That you're all upside down. (smiles cheekily)

Taylor: That the koalas are really dangerous. (laughs)

Isaac: They're creepy though, because aren't they, like, drunk from whatever it is they eat? I don't know, but Australia is definitely something we've been thinking about.

TV hits spin off article- Boy Wonders July `97

Are you going to go to Australia?

Taylor: Yeah. In July or August.

Isaac: Yeah, we can't wait to go to Australia. We've always wanted to go there, and it'll be like this big adventure for us. We're really excited about that.

You know "MMMBop" debuted at No.1 on the Australian charts, don't you?

Taylor: Oh, yeah, we heard about that and we're blown away. That's why we can't wait to get down there!

Smash Hits article - We lurve ya `97 before July

Finally, do you have a message for all your fans in Australia?

We luurve you! And we'll see you soon!