Big Breakfast Interview


The Big Breakfast Interview, April 6th, 2000 BACK

Ike Tay and Zac are Hanson whose 1997 debut album sold 8 million copies world wide.

The brothers favourite favourite thing in the whole wide world - apart from music? is to go dirt bike riding in the desert where they live.

presenter to copresenter: Which American band whose 1997 debut album sold 8 million copies are all brothers? Hanson!

Yeah that's right

presenter: Ike, Tay and Zac were in Australia recently and we got to talk to them.

co-presenter: so that's what you've been going on about all week.

presenter: Yes!!

co-presenter: Excellent

presenter: They're back those cute blonde brothers and they're all growed up.

Isaac: It's been three years since we released a full studio record

Tay: which is amazing its actually been three years since we were here in Australia

Isaac: yeah

Tay: so yeah we're just really excited about people hearing our music and everything like that.

Isaac: there's several guests on the record

Tay: You know there's a lot of little things throughout the record, some people that we brought in that kinda add some flavours to it.

presenter: the first album single "If Only" debuted on the charts at no. 14

Tay: What about if only? It's pretty self evident song I mean it's a love song.

It's a song about its like everything that anybody's ever felt which is, you know, I've got this feeling for this person but I don’t know how to express it’ or ‘if only I could tell them this or if only I could tell them how I'm feeling

Isaac: I kind of get weirded out when people say "so what is it like to be a star?" and I go "I don't know - am I?"

Tay: I don't know, ask someone else, you know

Isaac: ask somebody else cause I don't really feel like one and its really funny because we're really just a band we're just doin it because we love to do music.

presenter: now how many Hanson kid are there?

Tay: seven

Isaac: I'm the eldest of seven.

presenter: any future band members?

Isaac: I think our little brother kinda wants to

Tay: If they do...

Zac: No .It's not open

Zac: I mean we kinda are

Isaac: Zac has closed the doors on it.

Zac: its...we are but.. this is just, once

but its not like (smiling) "we're the Partridge family and we're gonna join every member!!" it's not really the family thing that really matters for all we care we could have been three random guys that met on the street.

presenter: What about tips for wannabees?

Isaac: You have to love it and you have to get out there and be willing to just do whatever it takes and you know if your starting out young it always helps to have the support of your parents.

Tay: You've just gotta want it more than anything, gotta you know be willing to sacrifice all the other stuff, you know your friends.. "hey we're goin to a movie" "well, we gotta practice"

presenter: we couldn't let Hanson get away without signing something

presenter: I'm all screamed out. Here it is "The Hanson Thermos" Actually let's call it "The Thermos of Hanson" Look! Look!

At the end of their trip they revealed in a web chat that they're gonna start their world tour in the US in July and that means they'll be in Australia in about October or November.