AOL Chat


AOL Chat `2000 BACK

AOL Australia and Undercover chatted with Hanson -- Zac, Isaac and Taylor -- about the release of their album "This Time Around" See what they said below.

OnlineHost: Welcome, Zac, Taylor and Isaac -- Hanson!!!!!

Hanson: Hello, everyone!

OnlineHost: Thanks for joining us at Undercover on AOL! Here's our first question.

Question: Hey, guys, I was at your Monroeville Mall appearance in Pittsburgh last month, and I was wondering what it felt like to you guys to receive such a crowd after not being in the spotlight for awhile.

Taylor: It was really awesome to be able to see that the fans were exited about the new music, and it made us anxious to get out there and perform and to get people's responses.

Comment: I love the new song. It's taken you guys to a whole different level.

Question: Hey, guys, I love the single "This Time Around." How long did it take for you guys to write it?

Taylor: Actually, "This Time Around" sort of came into the picture late in the process.

Isaac: We wrote it a couple of weeks before we started recording.

Question: What have you guys been doing with all your time off?

Taylor: We really didn't stop working in a lot of ways, but we did take some time to be at home, see our friends and chill out for a bit.

Comment: Hi, guys! Just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making such awesome music with such touching lyrics. You guys are my inspiration and the guys I admire most. Don't ever stop making music! Stay the sweet and wonderful guys you are!

Question: Hey, I just wanted to say that you guys are great, I love ya, and why do you (Taylor and Isaac) go by your middle name? Any particular reason?

Isaac and Taylor: No particular reason!

Question: I just wanted to tell you guys you’re awesome!!! But what else is there in your lives to accomplish when you've accomplished most of this dream you’re living in now?

Isaac: I think there is a lot more to accomplish. This is really just the tip of the iceberg for us. We're really looking forward to what's ahead.

Question: Are you guys excited to be back in the public eye?

Isaac: It's very cool to have a new record coming out and to have a new single, and we're really looking forward to what people think when it comes out.

Question: What would you say was the inspiration for you when you wrote "This Time Around"? Was it just one idea or a bunch of things you felt at the time?

Taylor: Well, the song is a song about dying for what you believe in and not giving into oppression and fighting for what you believe in. There's a lot of thought that went into that song. It's obviously not about the exact experience we had, but it covers a pretty broad subject.

Question: Hey, guys! What's your fave song/CD at the moment?

Isaac: My favorite song on the radio is "Meet Virginia" by Train.

Question: What did you think about performing on MTV?

Taylor: It was a lot of fun! It was really the first live performance we had from the new album.

Question: Is there any place you have been in which you feel is really cool and you gotta go back?

Zac: For a long time, we had been wanting to go back to Australia, so now that we're back, it's really great!

Taylor: We can't wait to come back and play concerts later on this year

Question: "This Time Around" and "If Only" are both really cool songs. Is there one that you feel is more close to you than the other?

Zac: I think they're both very good representations of the new album, so I wouldn't say one is closer to us than the other.

Question: Hi, Hanson! What do you think of people going into your personal life and asking questions like about girlfriends and dating?

Taylor: Well, at this point, we've got no news to the girlfriend question! There's a lot of things that people don't know about us, and hopefully it will stay that way.

Question: What song on this album was the most fun to write? Record? Perform?

Isaac: One of my favorites was "A Song to Sing," because it was done on the second last recording and it was a live acoustic performance. That's the bonus track on the album.

Question: Ike, did you pick up any cool guitar tips from Jonny Lang? I'm not saying you need them, but Jonny is an amazing guitar player. Was it cool working with him?

Isaac: It was definitely very cool to work with Jonny Lang. He's a very cool person, and it's always great to work with someone you admire. He could definitely give me some guitar tips, and hopefully we could jam more together.

Question: If you could erase any one thing from the world's (fans, other musicians, other people's) memory of Hanson throughout your fame, what would it be?

Taylor: The thing is, you can't look back on stuff in a negative way. We wouldn't change anything. The ups and downs are what makes it interesting!

Question: This might be kind of random, but what's your favorite cereal?!

Zac: Toast!

Question: Do you read Hanson fan-fiction (you know, fictional stories about you)? If you do, do you have a favourite?

Isaac: We have read some Hanson fan-fiction, and you guys have a very creative imagination!

Question: Have you ever been in a physical fight that was serious enough to be broken up? If so, who was fighting and who broke it up?

Isaac: Our arguments are rarely physical, more verbal. But if they're physical, they usually don't last long.

Question: I was wondering... in "Can't Stop," who's doing those electronic voices? Those are awesome and make the song sound sooo cool! "Tick tock, tick tock" -- that part!

Hanson: It's Taylor and Isaac. :)

Question: How does it feel to see "This Time Around" being enjoyed by people that weren't fans before, ‘cause it's happening ALL over the US!

Taylor: We think it’s really cool to be able to gain fans that we didn't have before. That's always the idea, to expand your audience, but also we never would want to forget the fans that have always been there.

Question: Have you changed since your last album, and do you plan on going solo?

Zac: No, these are the clothes that I was wearing when we finished the album. Thank you, I like them very much…. Hahaha! No, we have no plans to go solo.

Question: I was wondering, Taylor, Zac and Isaac, how do you think you as people have changed in the three years of your fame? How has the music changed?

Taylor: The music has definitely changed, but it’s really just been a natural process of trying different things, and then you turn around and realize, "Wow, it's different."

Question: How old were y'all when y'all got started to sing as a group?

Isaac: I was 11, Taylor was nine and Zac was six. We were just singing acapella at that time. Three years later, we picked up drums, guitar and keyboard.

Question: Hey, guys, I was just wondering when you guys are going on tour and when you are coming to New York again.

Taylor: The plan is to start tour in the US in the beginning of July. We'll be in the US for about two months, and then we'll be in Asia, Australia and Europe.

Isaac: If you want to check on the exact tour dates, you can go to When they're available, they will be posted in the tour section.

OnlineHost: Last question for Hanson!

Question: Hey, Hanson, what advice do you have for a teen who has a dream to become a singer?

Taylor: Well, the only thing you can do is work really hard and love what you’re doing and want it more than anything else, and that's about the best tips you could get.

OnlineHost: Any closing comments for your fans?

Isaac: As always, to keep up with what's going on with Hanson, go to, Our tour dates and other information will be available there.

Taylor: Thanks, everyone, for coming to the chat. We hope that you had a good time and that we answered some of your questions.

Zac: Type on, Hanson!

Copyright AOL Australia Online Services 2000.